LCIF Board of Trustees

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Personal Details
Position: Past International Director Constitutional Area VI
Address: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mahesh Pasqual

LCIF Board of Trustees


Mahesh Pasqual from Colombo, Sri Lanka was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of Lions
Clubs International at the association’s 104th International Convention, June 24 through June 28, 2022.
Past International Director Pasqual has been a chartered civil engineer for more than 35 years. He is
currently chairman and managing director of Isuru Engineering Pte Ltd—a construction company that he
founded in 1993. He has been recognized by the Sri Lankan government with an Excellence in Service
Award for his work in strengthening the country’s economy and providing employment opportunities in
the construction trade.

He became a Lion in 1996 as a charter member of the Colombo Somerset Lions Club. As the son and
grandson of community leaders who were heavily involved with charity and volunteer organizations, Past
International Director Pasqual was inspired to serve his community from a very early age. He has held a
number of offices within the association including multiple district council chairperson, multiple district
Lions Quest chairperson and LCIF multiple district coordinator. He was extension chairman and largely
responsible for the formation of the Maldives Addu Lions Club—the only Lions Club in the Republic of
Maldives. He also chaired the steering committee for the 44th ISAAME Forum held in Colombo, Sri Lanka
in 2016.

As a district governor, Past International Director Pasqual was instrumental in building the Golden Jubilee
Eye Hospital at Kadawatha which provides eye care and conducts cataract surgery free of charge. He also
serves as chairperson of the hospital trust. Additionally, he has been treasurer of the Lanka Lions
Foundation of Sri Lanka since its founding by Past International President Mahendra Amarasuriya. He
currently also serves as chairperson of the Lions Quest Trust of Sri Lanka and pioneered the introduction
of the Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence program throughout the country.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including the United in
Service pin, the Family Membership Pioneering pin and the Five Star Award for outstanding contribution
as a District Governor. He is the recipient of multiple International President’s Awards, International
President’s Leadership Awards and International President’s Certificates of Appreciation. Past
International Director Pasqual has also been honored with the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the
highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He was appointed to a three-year term as
trustee for Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) in 2024-2025. He is also a Progressive Melvin
Jones Fellow.

In addition to his Lions activities, Past International Director Pasqual is active in numerous professional
and community organizations. He has served as an executive committee member for the Sri Lanka Korea
Economic Corporation Committee and as vice president of the International Chamber of Commerce Sri
Lanka. He was also Secretary of Major & Specialist Constructors Association of Sri Lanka and was
awarded the honorary membership by the Alexander Hamilton Institute Inc (Hong Kong) in recognition
of continuing efforts to acquire knowledge of modern management practice through executive skills
program. He has served as chairman of the Advisory Committee of Professional Services of the Export
Development Board of Sri Lanka and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Multi-Organ
Donation and Transplantation Foundation of Sri Lanka.

Past International Director Pasqual’s partner in service, Dr. Manel, is a consultant eye surgeon who is
actively involved in vision service projects throughout the multiple district. Dr. Manel is a Melvin Jones
Fellow and has been a member of the Colombo Somerset Lions Club since 2007. Together they have one
daughter who is also a Lion and a member of the Colombo Somerset Lions Club as well as a Melvin Jones