Past District Governor

Profile Image
Personal Details
District: 322 B1
Address: 14/2, Burdwan Road, Kolkatta 700 027
Spouse: Arvind
Home Club: Culcutta Midtown
Profession: Business
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of birth: 28-12-1963
Wedding Anniversary: 28-06-1986
Year of joining: 1988
Blood Group: B +ve
Mobile: 91-98-31737773
Slogan: Bless a Child

Sangeeta Jatia

Past District Governor


Sangeeta Jatia, from Kolkata, West Bengal, India, was elected to serve a two-year

term as a director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 95th

International Convention, held in Busan, Korea, June 22 through 26, 2012.

Past Director Jatia is an economics graduate from Calcutta University.

A member of the Calcutta Midtown Lions Club since 1988, she has held many

offices within the association, including club president, district Sight First chair,

district coordinator, vice district governor and multiple district Leadership chair.

Additionally, she served as a member of Mission 30 and Team 20K, a GMT area

leader, on the DGE Seminar Faculty and as coordinator of the India edition of

LION Magazine.

In recognition of her service to the association, she has received numerous awards

including Lion of the Year, Membership Advancement Key, six Extension

Awards, 11 International President’s Awards and the Ambassador of Good Will

Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. She is also a

Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.

Past Director Jatia and her spouse, Arvind, also a Lion, have two children.
